New Bush Telegraph Independent Stories since 1987

A Sad – a Liz Argall Things without comic

January 30, 2021

Cartoon by Liz Argall, words by Bonnie Cassen

We have a new year ahead of us, but maybe this new world we live in has left you feeling a little flat, a little sad. Perhaps things got to you just a bit - years of drought and water scarcity, unprecedented bushfires and a smoke veiled summer, tropical storms, flooding and erosion, and then Covid with all its restrictions, border closures, toilet paper hoarding and social distancing. You may see a little bit of yourself, or perhaps someone you know, in Liz Argall’s 2014 comic simply titled A Sad. A Sad features Ms Argall’s Things without arms and legs characters – quietly whispering messengers of all things deep inside.

Many of us are feeling sad at the moment. It may be a little bit of sad; or a big sad, like a depression. Most certainly anyone feeling deflated, disillusioned and even defeated, please soak up a boost of comic cheer and empowerment – a bit of knowledge that you have a way out of the fog, toward actions, and being you again.

Thing 2: I have a sad

Thing 1: Are you looking for solutions or comfort?

Thing 2: I would like to be angry, then sad, then comforted, then adventure for solutions, then giggles

Thing 1: Let’s start!

Thing 2: Raar

Thank you, Liz Argall, for your comic A Sad.

Our wish is for more and more of us to be “angry, then sad, then comforted, then adventure for solutions, then giggles”. When can we all start? Now? “Raar”

Feature image by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash

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    One comment on “A Sad – a Liz Argall Things without comic”

    1. Wonderful. Come up to the rainforest for a walk on a pleasant sunny day after all this rain and I am sure you will feel happy. The bush is powering after all those climate assaults. Not a solution but pleasure and reassurance. I will organise a walk for anyone interested.

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