By Ingrid Leusch & Catherine Hutchinson
Bonnie was an incredible, strong woman. Her urgency to fight for what she believed in shone through every day. Bonnie cared deeply for human rights, for the vulnerable, for the environment and never stopped speaking up for what was in her heart. Bonnie sadly passed away at 12:30am, 1 August 2023 - she is so missed.

Bonnie started a blog earlier this year, you may want to read a bit about her journey this year.
In April this year she wrote:
Right now I still have things to do in this world, and while I am here, I intend to live life to its fullest. Some days fatigue gets the best of me, and I struggle just to get out of bed, but most of the time I can laugh, love and enjoy the magic that only life on this gorgeous planet can offer. And that’s something I aim to do in abundance. Everyday.
Bonnie Cassen - 16 January 1961 - 1 August 2023.
Isn’t it strange, that princes and kings
and clowns that frolic in circus rings,
and ordinary folk like you and me
are makers of eternity.
For each is given a bag of tools,
An hourglass, and a book of rules;
And each shall have built when his hour has flown,
a stumbling block or a stepping stone.
One step upon another and the longest walk is ended,
one stitch upon another and the longest rend is mended,
so never be discouraged by the things you have to do,
and think that such a mighty task you never shall get through;
Just endeavor day by day,
another point to gain,
and soon the mountain that you feared
will have become a plain.
by R. L. Sharpe
Please leave Bonnie a tribute below.
Feature image: Bonnie Cassen. photo supplied
We miss our great friends and environment warrior. My best wishes to Bonnies family
A true activist. The next chapter awaits dear Bonnie. Love n hugs Jase, Kezza & fambam xox
Thanks for all you did here - not just the hands-on, practical stuff... .but the inspirational human stuff that helped others find a deeper courage.
Bonnie, I only met you briefly in your last few months, but I was blessed with conversations of a fiery nature with passion, zest and zeal that I rarely see.
Thank you for allowing me into your home and engaging with me.
Your mind seemed just phenomenal. May you now rest and be in peace xxx
You are such an inspiration Bonnie, such a warrior for so many things in this world we live. Your smile was contagious, and your energy empowering. You have shown me to never give up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You are such an inspiration Bonnie, such a warrior for so many things in this world we live. Your smile was contagious, and your energy empowering. You have shown me to never give up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
On behalf of myself and Manyana Matters Environmental Association. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Bonnie's family and friends. Brave and loving, kind and generous. A warrior for our times. Your energy and commitment to your callings will be sadly missed. Fly well Bonnie you have done what you needed to here on this earth.
Warrior, climate activist, writer, storyteller, editor of this fabulous NewBushTelegraph, friend, rebel and so so much more. The South Coast and the environment have lost a true champion with the sad news of Bonnie Cassens passing. Extinction Rebellion South Coast took so much inspiration from her incredible energy, contributions, support and commitment to standing up for this planet and independent journalism. Our thoughts are with her family and friends as they navigate such a huge loss. We were always honoured to have you with us Bonnie.
Such sad news - Rest in Peace Bonnie, loved your work. The world is a better place because you cared and had the courage to say so!
May I add a photo?
Yes. Send it to However you can also upload photos to her family for her Celebration of her Life.
Darling Bonnie. I met you when you came to our house on the Shoalhaven river years ago, to save a Pelican. It was almost as big as you were. You then graced our Sacred Circle and challenged our thinking and taught us so much about being accountable and fearless in our speaking. Thank you for your strength and courage, for your big and loving heart. Last month, whilst dealing with your own illness you came to lunch with us snd were so supportive to my husband Gerald as he deals with Stage Four cancer. I’m grateful for you in our lives and I miss you and the light you shine.
My love and blessings and healing to your family ❤️
You believed in me.
You made me, believe in myself.
You gave me advice I’ll never forget.
I’ll miss you, so very much.
I respect you, so much.
Courage and strength you could only admire.
A friend. A warrior. A confidont.
Fly High, Bonnie.
Thank you for writing this Ingrid and Catherine, and thank you for undertaking to continue Bonnie's work through the New Bush Telegraph. That's great news to hear.
I'm enveloped in sadness to know that Bonnie is no longer with us, and I feel so much for her Mum and young family. But I also imagine that we'll only now get a sense of the breadth of activism and good works that Bonnie was involved with. I have written a tribute for her on our March 4 Justice South Coast page which was the outcome of just one of her many endeavours.
Bonnie was my campaign manager for the 2019 federal election. She was such a great support and was so professional in every way and she worked like a Trojan, sometimes overnight. She was a warrior and could always see the gold at the end of the rainbow in the good fight for the environment and against climate change. She risked all to show how determined she was in activism and living. Vale Dear Friend and thank you for your bravery and positivity.
clear-eyed and brave. Bonnie's dedication to truth was an example to all who challenge power. Now sleep sweet soul.