Dear Editor,
Morrison's campaign is in full swing and as usual out comes the spin. He attacks his opponents’ character, demonising their names and all without proof.
Every State or Federal election it's the same old tactics, it's a well-known fact. I'm nearing 87 and I've known this since the age of 14.
His budget was not for the people. It was for the safety of his and the Government's seats and winning another term in office. We need policies for the people, not the Politicians.
What was in his budget for the homeless living on the streets, the victims of fires, floods, loss of farms and livestock, businesses, adequate care for aged patients or nurses pay rises?
Severe devastation for all who have lost their homes, all they possessed. They suffer silently while Morrison runs around ‘big noting’ himself, promising billions, racking up over a trillion in debt that taxpayers will be hit with.
He says Labor is irresponsible, throwing around millions in promises. Well, what is he throwing around... confetti? Labour has never run up such a massive debt, but they will get the blame for it as usual.
Audrey Hutchison, Nowra