New Bush Telegraph Independent Stories since 1987

Same Old Tactics

June 16, 2022

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

Mr Dutton and David Littleproud upon being elected as leaders of their party's couldn't help undermining Labor straight away. 

Littleproud's deputy in her speech said, for the next three years they were going to make Labor accountable. Accountable what for?

Dutton said in his speech, they were going to clean up Labor's mess. What mess? Praising their own party as if they were saints.

For the next three years, the Coalition will undermine the Labor Government, trying to create an unstable, unworkable Government and to make the public think Labor is bad for the country. It doesn't matter if it’s State or Federal elections, that's the way the Libs operate just to win. They use smear and scare tactics and worse of all incite fear through lying propaganda.

Andrew Hastie, Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence says Albanese should explain how he arrived at the figure of $835million in compensation for the cancellation of the submarine contract and where the money was coming from to pay for it. Well, where did the money come from for all the high spending they did when in Government? Or were they using Monopoly money?

These uncouth tactics have gone on since 1949, and it's worked for them every time. I don't think, I know.

Audrey Hutchison, Nowra

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