New Bush Telegraph Independent Stories since 1987

Migrating Whales vs Offshore Wind Farms

by Richard Bates Question: Can floating offshore wind farms and migrating whales coexist? The saving from extinction of the East Australian humpback whale has been one of humanity's great environmental success stories. By the mid 1960s a hundred years of commercial whaling had driven the population down to somewhere between just 100 to 150. We

Fly high dear Bonnie, fly high circle the Universe and keep shining

Bonnie was an incredible, strong woman. Her urgency to fight for what she believed in shone through every day. Bonnie cared deeply for human rights, for the vulnerable, for the environment and never stopped speaking up for what was in her heart. Bonnie sadly passed away at 12:30am, 1 August 2023 - she is so missed.

Who Are We Safeguarding?

By Amy Blain The last day of 2019 started in pitch-blackness. It was 7 am on a mid-summer morning and the sky was jet black. Fires had travelled fast overnight, leaping 120km and had reached us at our holiday retreat, a gorgeous homestay in beautiful Bermagui. The fires were close enough that ash was falling

Hidden Report Reveals Shoddy Science

By Cat Holloway, Callala Matters The fight to save Callala's precious forest, gliders and birds intensified this week with two dramatic developments. Callala Matters discovered that Shoalhaven City Council staff buried a crucial in-house environmental analysis opposing a contentious subdivision in Callala Bay. Our Government Information Public Access (GIPA) application for Council’s internal communication revealed

Julian Assange - Ultimatums to the Prime Minister, ‘Set Him Free’ 

By Stuart Rees The fate of Julian Assange has become a test case of democracy, of the rule of law, of basic human rights let alone of concern for a common humanity. The big question is will justice prevail. On March 4 in Sydney University’s Great Hall, sixteen notable human rights campaigners addressed a Belmarsh Tribunal

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December 7, 2023

Migrating Whales vs Offshore Wind Farms

by Richard Bates Question: Can floating offshore wind farms and migrating whales coexist? The saving from extinction of the East Australian humpback whale has been one of humanity's great environmental success stories. By the mid 1960s a hundred years of commercial whaling had driven the population down to somewhere between just 100 to 150. We […]

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August 2, 2023

Fly high dear Bonnie, fly high circle the Universe and keep shining

Bonnie was an incredible, strong woman. Her urgency to fight for what she believed in shone through every day. Bonnie cared deeply for human rights, for the vulnerable, for the environment and never stopped speaking up for what was in her heart. Bonnie sadly passed away at 12:30am, 1 August 2023 - she is so missed.

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March 27, 2023

Who Are We Safeguarding?

By Amy Blain The last day of 2019 started in pitch-blackness. It was 7 am on a mid-summer morning and the sky was jet black. Fires had travelled fast overnight, leaping 120km and had reached us at our holiday retreat, a gorgeous homestay in beautiful Bermagui. The fires were close enough that ash was falling […]

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March 19, 2023

Hidden Report Reveals Shoddy Science

By Cat Holloway, Callala Matters The fight to save Callala's precious forest, gliders and birds intensified this week with two dramatic developments. Callala Matters discovered that Shoalhaven City Council staff buried a crucial in-house environmental analysis opposing a contentious subdivision in Callala Bay. Our Government Information Public Access (GIPA) application for Council’s internal communication revealed […]

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December 7, 2023

Migrating Whales vs Offshore Wind Farms

by Richard Bates Question: Can floating offshore wind farms and migrating whales coexist? The saving from extinction of the East Australian humpback whale has been one of humanity's great environmental success stories. By the mid 1960s a hundred years of commercial whaling had driven the population down to somewhere between just 100 to 150. We […]

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August 2, 2023

Fly high dear Bonnie, fly high circle the Universe and keep shining

Bonnie was an incredible, strong woman. Her urgency to fight for what she believed in shone through every day. Bonnie cared deeply for human rights, for the vulnerable, for the environment and never stopped speaking up for what was in her heart. Bonnie sadly passed away at 12:30am, 1 August 2023 - she is so missed.

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March 27, 2023

Who Are We Safeguarding?

By Amy Blain The last day of 2019 started in pitch-blackness. It was 7 am on a mid-summer morning and the sky was jet black. Fires had travelled fast overnight, leaping 120km and had reached us at our holiday retreat, a gorgeous homestay in beautiful Bermagui. The fires were close enough that ash was falling […]

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March 19, 2023

Hidden Report Reveals Shoddy Science

By Cat Holloway, Callala Matters The fight to save Callala's precious forest, gliders and birds intensified this week with two dramatic developments. Callala Matters discovered that Shoalhaven City Council staff buried a crucial in-house environmental analysis opposing a contentious subdivision in Callala Bay. Our Government Information Public Access (GIPA) application for Council’s internal communication revealed […]

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March 11, 2023

Stories from the Forest; Shallow Crossing Local Takes Action to New Heights

By Takesa Frank What do you do when your forest home is under attack from the forestry industry? You take strong action as Takesa Frank did very recently. Even more distressing is the knowledge that these magnificent native forests are being destroyed for low value wood chips, firewood and pallets. This is Takesa’s story.   […]

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Julian Assange - Ultimatums to the Prime Minister, ‘Set Him Free’ 

By Stuart Rees The fate of Julian Assange has become a test case of democracy, of the rule of law, of basic human rights let alone of concern for a common humanity. The big question is will justice prevail. On March 4 in Sydney University’s Great Hall, sixteen notable human rights campaigners addressed a Belmarsh Tribunal […]

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January 15, 2023

Prince Harry’s Outrage, Spare A Thought

By Stuart Rees The Taliban forbid women to go out alone or attend universities, Israel confirms it is a racist, apartheid state, Rohingya refugees despair, executions continue in Iran, Russia is reducing Ukraine to ashes, the Myanmar military promote brutality, fascist-like Republicans shackle the US Congress, asylum seekers are punished by UK and Australian governments, […]

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December 22, 2022

Nobel Recipients’ Humanity - Stark Contrast to Putin’s Bestiality

By Stuart Rees Let’s not mince words. Despite the wisdom of hindsight arguments that NATO had provoked Putin to invade Ukraine, the thuggery of the Russian dictator and his Belarusian ally offer no benefits. During days preceding a festive period, the world watches the contrast between the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize recipients’ hopes for humanity and […]

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December 20, 2022

Gambling with People’s Lives

By Bradley Stanton It’s commonly stated that gambling in Australia is the equivalent of guns in America. The gambling Industry has captured politics in the way the National Rifle Association has in America. Let’s be frank - the gambling industry doesn’t care about you. Its sole purpose is to cause harm and misery to the […]

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