New Bush Telegraph Independent Stories since 1987

Astronauts, Aunties and Uncles

February 6, 2021

By Liz Argall

I often think one of the unspoken blessings from working in the community sector is that I always got to work with older women. Workplaces that are all one age are less interesting to me. There is so much benefit spending time with folks who have been through trials and tribulations of life and still turn up to work for the dignity, safety and rights of folks experiencing disadvantage.

An Aunty network is quite a thing to have, and I wish more people had it, there have been some pretty rad Uncles along the way too. Some of the Aunties and Uncles of social justice, have so much kindness in them. So much strength and patience and kindness. Some chuckles and wicked wildness in there too. Some are storytellers who know they’re creating space for what comes next.

I’ve been thinking about interviews with astronauts and how they practise, practise, practise. They go through all the scenarios in a clear-minded way, so all the things that could kill them (and there are so many) just become things they have prepared for.

Aunties and Uncles can be like the scientist teams, helping us prepare, helping us see the scenarios, bringing information from past experiments (and having seen disaster and failure), staying grounded as we reach for the stars.

Everyone needs Aunties and Uncles to help us be more like astronauts and better prepared for life.

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